Eternal Journey, Acrylic on canvas, 112x145cm, 2024.
주면서 비로소 알게 되는 것들, acrylic on canvas, 80x100cm, 2024.Countless stars, acrylic on canvas,
72x90cm, 2024.비 오는 날 아침, 찾아온 친구, acrylic on canvas, 100x80cm, 2024.살아있는 새가 마음에 살고 있는 사람,
acrylic on canvas, 72x72cm, 2024.여름에 함께 부른 노래, acrylic on canvas,
60x72cm, 2024.Cinderella's Dream, acrylic on canvas, 72x60cm, 2024.I need more sleep, acrylic on canvas, 60x60cm, 2024.Whoosh!, acylic on canvas, 60x72cm, 2024.산란한 내 마음이 찾아 헤매는 이유는, acrylic on canvas, 60x60cm, 2024.찬란에게, acrylic on canvas, 38x45.5cm, 2024.우산 위에서 마주친 친구들, acylic on canvas, 26x18cm, 2024. 코 끝에 쨍하게, acrylic on canvas, 18x26cm, 2024.수상한 디너를 위한 연구, Acrylic on canvas, 60.5x72.5cm, 2024.
Unyielding Love, acrylic on canvas, 72.7x90cm, 2024.
Mystery of Closed Eyes, Acrylic on canvas, 130x193cm, 2024.
Just Chilling, acrylic on canvas, , 2024-2.
러브레터는 항상 어려워, acrylic on canvas, 60.5x72.5cm, 2024.
기묘한 어항, acrylic on canvas, 112x145cm, 2024.
The Little Prince Who Swallowed a Planet, Acrylic on canvas, 25x17cm, 2024.
감정기복이 심한 가족, Acrylic on canvas, 112x193cm, 2024.
Twins, Acrylic on canvas, 25x17cm, 2024.
당신의 팔에 기대어, Acrylic on canvas, 38x45.5cm, 2024.
무서운 생각이 들면 나는 반짝이는 별스티커를 붙여요, Acrylic on canvas, 27x27cm, 2024.
숨결이 만드는 이야기, Acrylic on canvas, 45x38cm, 2024.
빼꼼, Acrylic on canvas, 35x53cm, 2023.
사춘기, Acrylic on canvas, 72x91cm, 2024.
때로는 다 이해할 수 없을지라도, Acrylic on canvas, 17x25cm, 2024.
어느 미친 예술가의 작업실, Acrylic on canvas, 91x72cm, 2023.
Baking at Night, Acrylic on canvas, 53x45cm, 2024.
Shooting Star, Acrylic on canvas, 45x38cm, 2024.
딩가딩가, Acrylic on canvas, 45x45cm, 2024.
보고싶어, Acrylic on canvas, 45x45cm, 2024.
푸른 강을 건너는 시간, Acrylic on canvas, 45x38cm, 2024.
부드러운 꿈, Acrylic on canvas, 27x40.5cm, 2023.
너구나, Acrylic on canvas, 91x91cm, 2022.
동그라미들, Acrylic on canvas, 24x19cm, 2023.
노랑의 위로, Acrylic on canvas, 145x112cm, 2023.
재워줘, Acrylic on canvas, 19x24cm, 2022.
Hello, stranger, Acrylic on canvas, 27x27cm, 2022.
같은 방향으로, Acrylic on canvas, 30.5x41cm, 2023.
크앙하고 나타났지, Acrylic on canvas, 38x45.5cm, 2022.
괜찮아, Hey, It's Okay, Acrylic on canvas, 45x38cm, 2023.
작당모의, Acrylic on canvas, 45x53cm, 2023.
나비로 만나자, Let's Meet as Butterflies, Acrylic on canvas, 60.5x60.5cm, 2023.
우와, Acrylic on canvas, 45.5x53cm, 2023.
기대 못 했던 사랑, Unexpected Love, Acrylic on canvas, 72.5x91cm, 2023.
와글와글, Acrylic on canvas, 60.5x91cm, 2023.
털난빵 유토피아, Acrylic on canvas, 91x72.5cm, 2023.
furry bread, Acrylic on canvas, 45x45cm, 2022.
파티가 끝난 유우머씨의 식탁, Acrylic on canvas, 53x40cm,